Surely we've all heard the advice that asks us to behave and act with confidence. Indeed, confidence is believed to have much influence in various aspects of our lives. Build self-confidence is not as easy to say it, even those who most believe diripun still feel groggy all the time. But the truth is we all can perform confidently in a more natural, even shaping it instantly. Here are the things that need to be done to build your confidence in 15 minutes. First of all, to find self-confidence, we must know clearly what exactly is meant by the idea itself CONFIDENCE. Here are translated what it actually CONFIDENCE: 1. Be Quiet - In every situation in life, you need to run a decent level of emotion. The inclusion of too much emotion in the experience, it can make itself emotions boil. You may be called confident if it is able to be calm in the face of different situations. 2. Being cool - The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. Can face...