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Subconscious Mind

Subconscious mind or what we often call the Subconscious is part of our minds that process the intuition (knowledge without learning), warehouse creativity, and know the causes of and solutions to our personal problems. Traditional people, if they do not know what to do, want to know something hidden or confused in determining their choice, then they will find inspiration in a way wangsit or spiritual exercises like meditation and asceticism. Wangsit or inspiration is nothing but the intuition of our own Subconscious. While meditation and asceticism is the traditional way that proved to be used for communication with the Subconscious.

Have you ever heard the term subconscious?

I mean something that is not to be supernatural or magic but the unconscious in the mind of man.

Like a search engine, is conscious of nature which we use the keyword / key word or if the display that appears when you use a search engine. The rest is not visible or not terdekteksi anymore, so the conscious mind is natural when one time we need.

So what's the point if we already know about the understanding of the subconscious and conscious?

Well, actually your subconscious has great ability. In certain conditions the subconscious to work and subconscious brain has the capacity 10 times greater than the conscious brain. Subconscious mind regulates all activities of life, even when we're sleeping, breathing and regulate heartbeat.

For those of you who are practicing swim or practice driving a car, practice typing without looking, you realize that if you have been able to do the same thing as I mentioned above, self-scaling mechanism by our subconscious.

Formation of the unconscious expertise can be passed through the process as follows:

- The process is not aware / do not know

When I first learned we can be proud and feel best. Sometimes we do not understand about anything. Remember to know something, we need the name of learning. This is a keyword / keywords in running the subconscious. Remember when you first learned to type with two hands without looking, what happens to us often considered easy? Yet when we try often wrong.

-The process of awareness

When he knew we could not type with two hands without seeing, then we will make learning slowly starting to see where the letters and memorize. In this case the process of awareness of something that is not conscious.

-Phase Proficiency

When we are able to type with 2 hands and has memorized the location of the letter, then we will train to be able to achieve a proficiency. This stage is an awareness turns out we have been advanced for typing with two hands without looking.

-Phase subconscious Build

Final stages of this process is the stage of changing the subconscious to the unconscious. When we have been adept at typing with two hands without seeing, our subconscious has been recorded for the ability that we already have. Our subconscious has taken a role in operating the expertise we have. Routines to form habits that are recorded in the subconscious, then used to follow the code listing, follow the program that has been made, without having to drain more energy from our consciousness.

as an example the case of proficient typing with two hands without seeing would make us save energy, with intermittent not see the keyboard keys, or pressing the backspace key to delete it happens when we read an article / menterjemah right idea all will flow away.

The unconscious is a data base raksaksa who have the most advanced operating system. Like a computer system vulnerable to virus attacks, the subconscious also susceptible to virus attacks. It must be asked, what virus can damage the subconscious? virus of fear, panic, excessive emotions, trauma and other negative thoughts. Is anti-virus? the answer is positive attitude and confidence to yourself.

How to build self-confidence antivirus?

One way is to convince yourself try speaking with positive language, eg "I can, I dare." Never say things that your subconscious virus "I can but ... '," he better than me "," whether I can ". Sentences such as these can damage the pronunciation of the subconscious.

Subconscious programming can occur more quickly, as the inscription on the sentence above build self-confidence, feeling comfortable with yourself, feeling happy, and imagine what you want to accomplish / do it if it is done consistently? Your subconscious will guide you toward a happiness.

To achieve success required a positive emotional feelings and sense of fun. When the pronunciation of a wish, create a feeling of happiness and dream of a great desire, something that expectations will be achieved later.

To arouse the subconscious takes a few simple attitude that is to imagine, feel what we want, feel with obvious - sejelasnya, if you are already succeeded in realizing that desire. Surrender, surrender, and pray to God Almighty, there is a way that crosses your mind about how where wewujudkanya.

An enlightenment that is created after the process of imagining, to feel what we want is an answer from the subconscious. One moment becomes your compass toward a success that you want.

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