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14 Steps To Maximize Brain

Our brain is a supercomputer weighing 1.5 kg. As a control center that controls your life,Brain that determines how you think and interact with others. Your brain is much more complicated than any computer with a 100 million billion brain cells that are interconnected with one another.

Optimizing brain function is a must if you want to spend your own potential as much as possible. And while you exercise or do yoga to maintain body condition, often mental exercises to be forgotten. Whatever your age, mental exercise has a positive effect and global in your brain. And here's 14 ways to do this:

1. Run for Brain Cells

The researchers say that people who do a lot of physical exercise may have a better brain. Researchers at the Salk Institute found that rats who like to run on exercise wheels growth of new cells two times as much on memory and brain regions studied. Researchers are not sure of the cause but there is a possibility that this is due to the physical exercise that is not imposed. Which means, by finding ways to enjoy the sport rather than forced to do so can make you smarter, too. So do sports that you enjoy doing, go jogging with music or fitness with your friends for over refreshing your brain.

2. Trying a New Page

Experts Neurobiology of Duke University, Professor Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D. says that finding new ways of thinking and trying new things to improve the function of brain regions that are less active. In essence, try to do anything that can make you out of your habitual ways of thinking so far, for example, tried a variety of new dishes, go to the office through another road, visiting new places or trying to create a work of art.

3. Asked

Familiarize yourself to always want to know! Ask yourself and others around you about things. Get used to ask "why?" at least 10 times a day. Your brain becomes trained and the opportunities and solutions will appear in your life.

4. Laughing

Researchers say that laughter is good for health. Without the investigator must tell you, we've felt the lifetime benefits of laughter that can reduce stress and mental pressure. So laugh before laughing is forbidden!

5. Becoming Lovers Fish

Omega-3 which are found mainly in fish has long been known good for the heart. But recent research reveals that omega-3 is also good for the brain because they help the circulation system that pumps oxygen into your head and improve the functioning of the cell membrane that surrounds the brain. People who consume lots of fish or omega-3 can have a mental condition and intelligence of a better and more resistant to depression. Eating fish dishes such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna at least 3 times a week is a good start.

6. Digging Memories

Look back at old photo albums or your school yearbook. Your brain is a memory machine, so let it work so that does not rust.

7. Reduce Fat

Fat can reduce the flow of oxygenated blood to your brain and inhibit the metabolism of glucose yag is "food" for the brain. You still can get 30% of your daily caloric needs in the form of fat and stay away from snack foods that contain lots of fat.

8. Play Puzzle

Completing the puzzle in his spare time is a good way to train your brain and maintain its condition. It does not matter whether it's a crossword puzzle, jigsaw or game logic. But do it by realizing that the puzzle is just a game for fun.

9. Mozart Effect

Frances Rauscher, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin found that listening to Mozart can improve mathematical skills and one's space. But it needs to be observed that not all people experience this Mozart effect. And some experts also say that this is because music can make people who hear it feel comfortable and relaxed and a similar stimulation can also produce the same effect. In fact, one study found that by listening to the story then our brains will also grow.

10. Improve Skills

Some mental stimulation repeated actually good for your brain as long as you keep improving your skills and knowledge base. Daily activities such as gardening, sewing, reading, do crossword puzzles can be useful for your brain health as long as you push yourself to continue to do so at different levels. For example, sewing with a more difficult pattern, painted with a technique that is more difficult, or do the crossword puzzle bigger and harder.

11. Sport (Physical exercise)

Sport is an activity to train one's body, not only physically but also spiritually
Exercise at least 10 minutes every day to make a more mentally healthy, clearer thinking, reduced stress and lead to feelings of happiness.

That sport makes a smooth blood circulation, burn fat and calories, and reduce the risk of hypertension and obesity is a matter of public knowledge. Recent research shows some other advantages of this activity. Exercise at least 10 minutes every day to make a more mentally healthy, clearer thinking, reduced stress and lead to feelings of happiness.

More clearly Daniel Landers, professor of physical education from Arizona State University reveals five benefits of exercise to your brain.

* Improving the ability of a routine physical otakLatihan can improve concentration, creativity, and mental health. Because exercise can increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and accelerate the blood flow to the brain. Experts believe that these things can lead to physical and mental reactions better.

* Helps to delay the aging process, research has shown that simple exercise such as walking regularly can help reduce mental decline in women over 65 years. The more frequent and longer they do eat more slow mental decline. Reportedly, many people feel the benefit after nine weeks of activities to do on a regular basis three times a week. This exercise is not to be done in a high intensity. Quite a walk around the house.

* Reduce stresOlahraga can reduce anxiety. Even further, can help you control your anger. Aerobic exercise can increase the ability of the heart and make you more quickly to cope with stress. Activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, and running is the best way to reduce stress.

* Boost the immune system If you love to do sports although not for too long, frequent or prolonged but do it casually, then the activity can increase good hormones in the brain such as adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. This hormone plays a role in increasing endurance. Studies conducted in Britain showed that 83 percent of people who have mental disorders rely on exercise to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Landers said that for people who suffer from mild depression and moderate exercise at least 16 weeks can cause the same effect by swallowing antidepressants such as Zoloft and Prozac.

Meanwhile, researchers at Duke University found that 60 percent of depressed people who exercise for four months with a frequency of three times a week and each exercise for 30 minutes can overcome these symptoms without medication. Although classified steps but not necessarily efficacious treatment can be immediately stopped, especially for those who are severely depressed.

* Fix diriUmumnya trust someone more adept in a type of activity, then the confidence will increase. Even a research proves that teens who actively exercise to feel more confident than his friends who did not perform similar activities.

12. Mental Exercise

Here are 12 ways to train mentally for a well-developed brain. These methods developed by scientists from the University of California Berkeley, United States:

*. Train the ability to observe, in order to more sharply

Look around you and recording in mind what you see from the simple to the complex.

*. Sharpening senses

Make sure you are able to distinguish the taste of food that you like and you do not like. Apply also on the hearing, smelling, touching and vision.

*. Think of the names of your friends and pair with their telephone numbers

*. Learn something new

This can be learned about computer tools, foreign language, and others.

*. Train your hands to follow the instructions of the brain

Learn to play piano or other musical instrument, learn typing, sewing, making handwork such as embroidery and measure.

*. Tekuni a hobby

*. Memorize something you love

This can be poetry, songs, phrases from books, recipes, and so forth.

* Learn important dates

Whether it's friends birthdays, holidays and certain anniversaries.

*. Use reference books to learn a few dozen names

Like the name of the state capital Ameratau countries in Southeast Asia or the other.

*. Learn chronological list of a particular event

For example the history of Indonesia from the 4th century until the 15th century. Broke out in several periods.

*. Remember your personal history

What are you doing last week at the same hour? How do you spend your last birthday? With whom do you celebrate Eid last year? And so forth.

*. Thorough daily spending your birthday

There are some who now have a lot of money in your wallet? What did you buy yesterday? When was the last time you add cash into the wallet? Spending what you should do during the next three days?

13. Healthy Nutrition

In the past many experts believe that nutrition did not significantly affect cognitive function. But today many studies that prove otherwise. That nutrition was greatly affects the work function of the brain.

14. Stress Management 

Stress management is the ability to use resources (human) effectively to solve problems or mental and emotional turmoil that arises because the response (response). The purpose of stress management itself is to improve the quality of life of the individual to make it better.

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