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Test Your Emotional Question (EQ) Intelligence

Maybe you've read a book about emotional intelligence and curious about how high your emotional intelligence? The following quiz can help measure your emotional turmoil.

Daniel Goleman, a psychologist at Harvard University and author of Emotional Intelligence has said, that the success of a person in his life is not primarily due to his IQ, but even more so how can emosionalitasnya dimanajemeni well. In other words, success will be determined by one's emotional intelligence.

Indeed, no single test that can be used to measure precisely a person's emotional intelligence, but there are many situations where you feel strong emotions can be measured. The following questions are a rough guide to measure the emotional intelligence that you have.

Want to know? Answer any questions honestly. The answer you select must be a trend that emerged spontaneously from the attitude in your mind. Do not think twice or even try to guess the answers.


1. You are in a plane and all of a sudden very loud shock felt in the plane and started to mess up everything that exists in the plane. What do you do?

a. Continue to read books / magazines, watching films and paying little attention to the turbulence.

b. Beware of this emergency situation, with careful attention to flight attendant and read the instructions manual about the state of emergency.

c. Between a and b.

d. Not sure, I never noticed.

2. You've taken a group of 4-year-old child to a park. Then, one of them (the girls) started crying because other kids do not want to play with him. What do you do?

a. Leaving the children in the distance.

b. Talk to the girl child and help him for the others to play with.

c. Gently persuade girls not to cry.

d. Try to distract the crying girl by showing something else that could he used to play.

3. Assume that you are a high school student who expects to get an A in a course, but it turns out you only got a C for midterms this time. What do you do?

a. You begin to create a rough draft to improve the value and intend to solve the problem according to your plan.

b. Intend to perform better in the future.

c. Tell yourself that it's not a problem, then you begin to concentrate on other palajaran eye where your grades are higher.

d. Went in to the lecturers and ask him for you to be good value.

4. Imagine that you are a salesman than an insurance company and got a call from a client who has a good prospect for your company. However, there are 14 other clients who are noisy and waiting for you, so you become discouraged. What do you do?

a. Call it a day and hope tomorrow will be more fortunate.

b. Assessing quality in yourself that may be undermining your work

c. Trying something new for the next call and keep plugging away.

d. Thinking about another job.

5. You're a manager in an organization and you always try to respect racial and ethnic diversity. Meanwhile, you hear someone say the jokes are offensive racial issues. What do you do?

a. Ignore it, it's only a joke.

b. Calling that person, ask your office for a reprimand

c. Say directly that such jokes will not be tolerated in your organization.

d. Ask the person telling the joke he go through training about diversity.

6. You try to calm down a friend who wanted to hit someone, because the car has cut dangerously close from the front. What do you do?

a. Told him to forget it, then he did not make anymore and there is no any agreement he made.

b. Trying to divert attention of his favorite tapes.

c. Trying to defuse emotions and persuade to improve relations.

d. Told her that if she was going to hit it, what she feels? Also when I saw the driver was taken to the ER.

7. You and your partner have gotten into the argument (fight), until one day the words you speak are not pleasant to hear. Speech that you're both upset and angry respectively. And you do not want it. What do you do?

a. Stopped for 20 minutes, then continue the discussion.

b. Stop your argument, still, no matter what is presented to your partner.

c. Apologize, and ask your partner to apologize too.

d. Paused, thought for a moment, then try to explain your statement as precise as possible.

8. You have been appointed to head a working team. As a creative person, you try to start the job. What do you do first?

a. Create an agenda and conduct discussions on various issues. You use this opportunity as a means of building togetherness.

b. Ask your men to set a chance for them to know each other.

c. While still fresh, you start by asking everyone: how to solve the problem.

d. Starting with the model of brainstorming, give encouragement and opportunity to every person to give any wild ideas.

9. You boys are 3 years old is very shy, sensitive, and a little afraid of new places and people since he was born. What do you do?

a. Accept that he has a shy temperament. You are trying to protect him from situations that would upset him.

b. Take him to a child psychiatrist for help.
c. Trying to make him continue to experience new places and meet people, so that his fear.

d. Trying to set a good / give him a chance to learn to meet people and new places.

10. Already as a child you want to learn music and now you get a chance to get started, just for fun. For that, you want to use the best possible time.

a. Regularly every day you will take the time to learn.

b. Pick pieces that you have little control and can make your ability to grow

c. Practice only if there is mood.

d. Pick pieces that you did not know and you try hard to learn.


Give a value on each answer you choose, according to the box below. Sum.

200 = rated
100 = Average
0 = You better try it next time

a b c d

1 20 20 20 0
2 0 20 0 0
3 20 0 0 0
4 0 0 20 0
5 0 0 20 0
6 0 5 5 20
7 20 0 0 0
8 0 20 0 0
9 0 5 0 20
10 0 20 0 0

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