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Seven Easy Steps To Build Self Confidence

Confidence is part of the subconscious and is not affected by rational argument. He is only affected by things that are emotional and feelings. So to build the confidence needed the same tools, namely emotions, feelings, and imagination.

Emotions, feelings and imagination that will positively improve self-confidence. On the contrary emotions, negative feelings and imagination that will lower your confidence. How can so that we are always surrounded by a maximum positive energy? Consider the following tips:

1. Eliminate negative influences.

From birth and throughout life we ​​experience positive and negative stimuli from the environment turns. The man who throughout his life receiving a negative stimulus will have relative low levels of confidence. Negative stimuli can come from a family environment, community, office or work environment, schools and so forth.

If we are caught in a state of human relations is very bad, immediately find a solution. The first way is to make peace or compromise with the environment. Thank condition with sincerity. But if you do not bring positive results, better get out of that environment any risk.

2. Recognition and Awards

Recognition and appreciation of others towards the existence, actions or our achievements, will greatly improve self-confidence. The problem is not many other people who do that. Only positive people who want to do that.

The solution is to join a group of people who are positive. Alternatively, we can start by making the recognition and appreciation of ourselves. Slightest positive deeds we do, recognize in ourselves, or give a small gift.

3. Praise

Just as recognition, praise can increase our confidence. Who is not happy when someone praises appearance, intelligence or our expertise. Praise is seldom given to the environment the majority of people who think negative.

4. Pamper yourself

Pamper yourself is important and necessary. Because then, we would feel as a human being is valuable and can appreciate other people.

5. Think good about yourself

It's the easiest way to boost our confidence, because it can be done anytime and anywhere.

6. Get a positive input through the five senses

Positive input can be obtained through heroic stories, success stories, motivational and emotional story of a character or a successful businessman. These stories can motivate us to think and act positively. We can get input from books, tapes, and tv.

7. Get used to being positive

Start a positive attitude from yourself by doing it in everyday life. Make sure the memory we just keep a positive event. View others in a draw with us. Always act honestly. And show that we indeed have a sense of confidence.

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