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How To Overcome Nervous

Underlying the beginning of this paper starts from a question of new students who happened to meet in a moment. She tells that she often felt inferior, when meeting new people and new environments. The story concludes with the question how to cope with feeling inferior? The question is simple but not easy to answer.

As more senior students of course I answered that question donk (let seniors seem hehe ..), it was because I wanted to help him problems. At that time I answered using the approach taught by one teacher that is my imaginary Steven R. Covey by saying that the sense of inferiority when it comes meet new people because our perception is wrong, because the order, the perception will produce the way we look and the way we look affects our behavior. So from my analysis while the new students have a mistake in doing that is to assess the perception pergambaran an object by doing the wrong association of the object. Obviously with us on a wrong perception, it will affect our perspective, and further more will affect our behavior.

A sense of inferiority that tervisualisasikan of individual temperament is repsensentasi of perception and perspective objeknya.Saya wrong to expect an answer can be quite give an idea to solve the issue. Although personally I am also not satisfied with my answer personally. This is what makes me keep thinking to be able to find the root of the problem so they can find a solution. Thought process was to find an explanation of another with the above, a sense of inferiority or low self-esteem appear on the person who does not have a good self-concept. According to Adi W Gunawan, self-concept consists of several components of the ideal self, self reflection, and self-esteem.

Ideal self will show who is actually an ideal figure that exists in our lives. Ideal figure can visualize as the most admired figures. As an example we can adopt the ideal hero figure, prominent figures, artists, businessmen or even an imaginary figure.

Mirror self-assessment is the description we have of ourselves. This is related to how we can know ourselves. The introduction of yourself is very important to measure the extent to which the position we are to achieve the desired position (ideal self).
Self-esteem is a picture of the extent to which our present condition (the mirror itself), then compared with a condition that we want to accomplish sometime in the future (ideal self). Comparisons between the two values ​​that our self-esteem. The less difference between the ideal self with the mirror itself, the price a person will get better, and vice versa.

The three components that are important in self-concept, if all three components of both the concept itself is also good. To go to it of course needed a process that is not short. It should also be added to the planting of the values ​​or principles of right and should we hold. So with the presence of a shared values ​​then it will make you become a powerful figure and personal. Finally, even if there is a mental virus (feeling inferior) that will attack, then you are ready with the anti-virus is a strong self-concept and planting deep-rooted values ​​in themselves.

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