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How To Become Confident

Self-confidence is the effect of how we feel, believe, and find out. People who have low self confidence or lose confidence in yourself to have negative feelings toward themselves, have confidence in her abilities and weak to have less accurate knowledge on the capacity it has.

 Conversely, people who self-confidence is good, they have positive feelings toward him, had a strong conviction on him and have accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence is not the only one who feels capable (but really can not afford) but is a person who knows that she can based on experience and calculations.

For us who have a problem about the low self-esteem or felt he had lost confidence, maybe the steps below can be used as a training process:

1. Creating a positive self-definition.

Steve Chandler says, "The best way to change your belief system is changing the definition of you." How about creating a positive self-definition. Among the ways that we can do is:

* Create a positive conclusion about yourself / create a positive opinion about oneself. Positive here means that can encourage or who can build, not damaging or destroying.

* Learning to see the positive parts / surplus / power we have

* Open a dialogue with yourself about the positive things we can do, ranging from the smallest and from the start that we can do today.

In addition, you need to do is to stop negative self-opinion that emerged, such as I do not have anything extra, my life is not worth it, I just load the community, and so on. After we stop, our task is to replace it with a positive, constructive and motivational. This requirement is only the beginning and not enough to build confidence.

2. Struggle for a positive desire

Formulate a program / agenda for self-improvement. It can be shaped for example, has a new target that we wish to achieve or formulate positive measures that we wish to do. Whether big or small, the point should be no change or improvement to a more positive direction. The more positive things (target, goal or desire) that we could make happen, the more confident we are stronger. In the end we will only become better by doing something good for us.

3. Overcoming the problems positively

Giving evidence to ourselves that we were successfully overcome the problems that afflict us. The more problems we could solve, the more confident we are stronger. Eventually we become people who are not easily embarrassed when they encounter problems. Because it is a reminder, so we have been accustomed to use jutsu surrender or lose, this will be a habit that makes us often problematic.

4. Having a positive basis of the decision.

If read from the practice of life as a whole, there is no one who is always confident in his abilities in dealing with problems or in creating desire. People who are classmates of Mahatma Gandhi just had wavered when he suddenly changed the reality of the unexpected. But, Gandhi has a way that we can imitate: "When I'm desperate so I always remember that throughout history, the way of the truth and love always wins. There are a number of tyranny and murder at a glance seem to win but eventually lost. Think I'm saying this, ALWAYS ". That is, trust Gandhi grow again after remembering that the pace has been guided by the principles of right.

5. Having a model or a positive role model

What matters more is finding someone else who can we sample from the side of her confidence. It does require us to frequently eye-opening to see other people who are better than us and make it as a lesson. Because of the importance of the role of these other people, some say that we can improve ourselves of two things: a) personal experience (life experiencing) and b) duplicating (copying and studying other people).

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