How To Improve Memory And Brain Power -You want smarter, thinking more clearly, have better concentration and a sharp reasoning? According to new research about the brain, this desire can be achieved. According to Elisa S. lottor, Ph.D., in the book Female and Forgetful, the experts found that the greatest role in creating a great brain power, good memory, and even higher IQ is a lifestyle choice, not genetics. Studies prove the allegations of the experts all along, that the brain is like any muscle group. We can develop the brain, making him mentally sharper and more quickly absorb new information. Here, things to do. Eat breakfast Containing Fat For example a donut, a new study shows, foods that contain less fat breakfast can improve memory. Researchers have studied a number of volunteers for the overnight fast, then the next day was told to eat a breakfast containing fat, carbohydrate, and protein. People who eat a donut gets high marks for kemampua brain. The reason is, the bra...